Frequently Asked Questions…


What is our sickness policy? 

We ask that a child is fever free without medication for 24 hours. If your child has been diagnosed with the flu please remain at home for 1-week following the diagnosis date. If siblings are sick please do not expose our other families to them by waiting in the waiting room.

If your child has been exposed to or has COVID then wait 14 days after exposure before coming back to therapy. Your child needs to also be symptom free. If your child is quarantined from school then they are also quarantined from therapy.

How soon do we start after the evaluation?

 After the evaluation the therapist will go over the results of the evaluation with a general description of the goals that will be targeted and recommended frequency. Typically therapy is started one week after the evaluation where you will be given a paper copy of the evaluation report.

What can I do while my child is in therapy? 

Parents are always invited into the sessions if they wish as long as the child is able to participate in the therapy activities. Parents may also sit in the waiting room or run errands while the child is in therapy. We ask that the parent please keep their phone on them in case they need to be contacted and return a few minutes prior to the session ending.


What is the duration of sessions? 

Duration of therapy depends. Typically a child is seen twice a week for 30-45 minute sessions.

How do I share the results with my child’s school or other professionals? 

We are happy to provide copies of our evaluations; please just sign a release of information and we can fax the information needed.

What about inclement weather? 

We follow the Thomas-Fay-Custer school district for closing due to winter weather. If you are questioning if the clinic will close please call us at 580-661-3517. If no one answers, the voicemail will say if we are closed or not.